What is Biofield Tuning?

Biofield Tuning is a type of sound healing that helps to relieve emotional and physical stress. It is a holistic wellness modality that uses the vibration from tuning forks to induce targeted relaxation and to recalibrate our vibrational rhythms from stressors that deplete us. Your biofield or aura is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds your body. It is inextricably connected with your conscious and subconscious mind, including all of your memories.

Our Los Angeles Biofield tuning therapists are experts at using tuning forks to introduce a coherent sound into the energy field, allowing the body’s nervous system to release subtle energy that is creating dissonance in our lives. Activating a tuning fork in the biofield offers your body the information it needs to recalibrate itself.

This physics based approach to wellness was developed by pioneering researcher, author, and practitioner Eileen Day McKusick and is based on over 20 years of clinical inquiry into the Biofield Anatomy.

Ready to experience the benefits of biofield tuning?

How does Biofield Tuning Work?

During a Biofield Tuning session, at our Los Angeles wellness center, a client lies fully clothed on a treatment table while the practitioner slowly scans the body with an activated tuning fork beginning from a distance.

Research suggests the body’s organizational energy uses the steady coherent vibrational frequency of the tuning fork to “tune” itself. Soon the dissonance resolves, and the resistance gives way. This resistance seems to correspond to the release of subconsciously held tension in the body.

One might interpret this as a kind of targeted nervous system biofeedback. Eileen has come to see this process as “consciousness hacking,” a side-door entry into the psyche – working with what has been hidden in plain view – which assists people in making changes they otherwise could not on their own.

Holding an activated tuning fork in the area of the traumatic memory or another challenging time period produces repeatable, predictable outcomes. The sound input seems to help the body digest and integrate unprocessed experiences. As the biofield dissonance subsides, clients generally report feeling “lighter” and a diminishment or resolution of their symptoms.